Check Company
By using DataEco’s easy to use platform you can check company data from lots of different angles to help find which companies match your needs.The platform allows you to easily weed out companies that look good on the surface and have elements that present a risk to those engagements.We automate the modelling of risk for a company, with average Industry and Location metrics and legal and social sentiment helping shape the model.

Check Companies

Financials Company Check
DataEco check company financial filings and compare the key financials such as Cash, Debt, Asset and Equity and calculate yearly differences to help show individual and industry growth sectors. All of these values can be used to assess companies or sector strengths and help align marketing campaign focus.
We also create financial banding’s for Equity as well as revenue to help group companies of a certain wealth together so you can easily target them.
This allows quicker navigation in the Industry and Location Dashboards where banding graphics can be clicked through to show underlying companies in each group. This saves time and helps focus on the companies that are in the right financial position for you.
Industry company check
DataEco check company Industry positions and allows financial ranking of the companies against their peers. We hold all ONS industry standards structure which allows the macro and micro analysis for all companies. In understanding average sector costs we can see which companies are performing better than their peers and which are in decline.
Social company check
With the rise of social platforms modern businesses ensure they have a good social presence so that they can engage in several channels. DataEco check company social footprints and harvest profile data and metrics such as No of followers or Posts to help show which companies have a good social engagement with their customer bases.
Legal company check
DataEco check company legal position by combining data from several sources. We take court and CCJ notices, as well as legal charges and solvency notifications into account and mix these with their financial position to produce a Risk Index. This can then be used to either remove troubling companies from your supply chain or indeed focus on providing help services into these companies.
How is Risk Information Calculated?
On the DataEco Platform Risk is displayed as a filter with the values Low, Medium and High.
The banding values are based on a risk index (1-9)
Where the bands:
What attributes are used in our Risk Algorithm to create the Index?
Our Company Risk Index is based on :
How often is the Index Updated?
With data ingested 24*7 on the DataEco platform we try to aggregated Index and Rank positions on a daily basis. The aggregation risk jobs are run at 5am every morning after the daily ingestion runs have completed.
How We Calculate Risk Model

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We take and customer service very seriously and often put ourselves in their shoes to understand the business insights they might need.We listen to feedback and are always driving a constant improvement roadmap for the DataEco platform.

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